I would like to print the Outlook Today view for future dates.


Anita Wilkerson

I, and several of my friends, love the Outlook Today view of the calendar.
However, we prepare for our work on the evening before so being able to view
and print Outlook Today for future dates becomes extremely useful for
planning purposes. This should be a simple addition and would be so helpful.

Anita D. Wilkerson

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Future dates for what? Tasks? Calendar Items?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Anita Wilkerson asked:

| I, and several of my friends, love the Outlook Today view of the
| calendar. However, we prepare for our work on the evening before so
| being able to view and print Outlook Today for future dates becomes
| extremely useful for planning purposes. This should be a simple
| addition and would be so helpful.
| Anita D. Wilkerson
| ----------------
| This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
| suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click
| the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the
| button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft
| Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Anita Wilkerson

Future dates for all the items shown in Outlook. Tasks, Calendar Items, and
forward days from the date being printed . Obviously, the messages will not
necessarily be the same, but almost everything else could be.

Another way of putting this. If I'm closing down on Friday, I'd like to be
able to print an Outlook Today version of Monday on Friday instead of having
to wait to log in on Monday. This will give me two more days to mull those
items around before I have to act on them. The Outlook Today format puts all
the information I need in one sheet.

Anita D. Wilkerson

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