I would like to use Microsoft Mail Merge in a PDF doc, is it poss


john page

I use Microsoft word to create "mailmege" documents,
I would like to use mail merge in PDF documents
I can convert a mail merge entered word document to PDF, and pdf documents
to Word, no problem
But for appearance, sending as email attachments etc, I like to send the
Word docs as PDF able to be completed by the recipent, and returned.
You cannot do this in Word, that I can see !
I have to use Adobe to sent forms for filling in

Peter Jamieson

No, it isn't possible using the built-in features in Word, and I think it
would be quite hard to do in the general case. There are third party tools
that at least do some of what you want, but I don't know if they do it all.
As a developer, if I were doing this I would probably look for better tools
to do the whole thing in Acrobat/PDF, but I do not know what is available
these days.

Peter Jamieson


Our software "pdfMachine - Word Mail Merge" allows you to email your
merged Word documents as PDF attachments.

For more info, read

We plan to release a new version next week, it will include a lot of
fixes and new features, such as supporting html editing of the email
body, embed merge fields in the body of the email and a test email

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