Icons built in to startup of Excel 2000


Sharon Lovie

I have a program called Crystal Reports. It somehow
throws a seagate icon onto my excel 2000 worksheet on a
separate toolbar. I want this icon to go onto another
toolbar or a pull down menu. How do I do this?

I have contacted Wind2 support (they have tech support for
Crystal Reports/Seagate. They say I have to contact

I can drag the icon to another tool bar, but when I
restart Excel, it goes back where it was.

Dave Peterson

Try Tools|Customize (just to see that dialog box)

Now hit ctrl and drag the icon to your location of choice.

But it might not help with the other toolbar. Depending on how the addin is
written, it might rebuild that toolbar and all controls each time it opens.

Try Tools|customize and uncheck that toolbar. (Maybe it'll see the existing
toolbar and not try to even make it visible.)

But if it keeps coming back to life, you might want to take a macro approach to
the problem:

add a line to your personal.xl* file

application.commandbars("yourcrystalToolbarNamehere").visible = false

(change the name accordingly.)

If you don't have a personal.xl* file:
Start a new workbook.
Hit alt-f11 to get to the vbe
hit ctrl-R to see the project explorer
Find your project.
It should look like: VBAProject (book1)
right click on it and choose insert|module
Paste this code into the right hand window.

Option Explicit
Sub auto_open()
'On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("yourcrystalToolbarNamehere").Visible = False
On Error GoTo 0
'ThisWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
End Sub

Alt-F11 to go back to Excel
Save this file with a nice name in your XLStart folder.

After you've tested it, go back and delete those apostrophes ('on error &

The "on error resume next" will make it so your code doesn't blow up if the
commandbar isn't there (you kill the addin later).

The thisworkbook.close will close the workbook right after hiding the toolbar.
(Commenting this line makes testing much easier.

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