Icons different in phone list



I have Outlook 2002 and when I change the view to "phone list" some of the
icone on the left show up as notes instead of contacts. The contact records
are also unavailable when I hit the "To" button on emails and also on Efax
(Efax shares my Outlook contacts) I did migrate my Outlook .pst file from an
earlier version, so I may have done something wrong. These Contact records
also sort out differently, with the ones I see with the note icon first and
then the ones with the correct Contact icon next. Is there any cure for this?

Btw, I am running Windows XP Pro.

Diane Poremsky {MVP}

To address the missing contacts when you press To:

If you have Contacts in the Contacts folder but they are not accessible when
you click on the To button, check these settings:

Make sure the Contact folder is enabled as an email address book. Right
click the Contacts folder, choose Properties then Outlook Address Book. Is
the box to enable as email address book is checked?

If this is grayed out...

Go to Tools | Email Accounts, choose View or change existing directories or
address book. Is the Outlook Address Book present? If it isn't listed, add
it and close and restart Outlook. If it is listed, then remove it and close
then restart Outlook and repeat these steps to add it.

On the icons - is it the Note icon or the post icon - the post icon is about
halfway down http://www.outlook-tips.net/howto/icons_mail.htm. This
indicates you are using a custom form.


All that has been done, still some of the contacts are not available. The
unavailable contacts are the ones with the different icons in the phone list.
I did change the default form some time ago, although I used the Contacts
form as a templete.
Is there somewhere I can go to get information on how to change the default
form and change all my existing contacts to the new form? the Microsoft KB is
very vague and hard to follow. Maybe if I change all my existing contacts to
a new form this will correct the problem with some of them. I would do it
manually, but I have over 900 contacts and it would take me a month.
To misplace one's housekeys is not a problem
To forget what they are for.....Problem

Diane Poremsky {MVP}

so the unavailable contacts are the ones not showing in the address book? Do
they have electronic addresses - either email or fax? That is a requirement.
If they do, is the electronic address resolved - open a contact and see if
the address is underlined. If not, that is likely the problem.

See http://www.outlook-tips.net/archives/2004/20040525.htm for changing the

Diane Poremsky {MVP}

that should have been "so the custom contacts are the ones not showing in
the address book... "



All contacts show up in the list, but only the ones with the "pinned note"
icons on the left are unavailable to programs that use the Outlook Contacts
as their address list, for example Efax. I can export these "possibly
damaged" records to my desktop as .vcf and then import them back into Outlook
and the icon changes to the correct one and they now become available to
efax. I believe my database may have been screwed up somehow but need to find
a way to make Outlook see thase record as Contacts.
To misplace one's housekeys is not a problem
To forget what they are for.....Problem


Only the email addresses are underlined and I was able to double click them
and open properties. Is it possible that since I have had these records all
the way back from Outlook 97 to now that some of them were migrated to
Outlook 2002 in a strange way as to cause this minor issue? I am about to
upgrade to Outlook 2007 and want to make sure I upgrade the .pst file
To misplace one's housekeys is not a problem
To forget what they are for.....Problem

Diane Poremsky {MVP}

It's possible, but I think its something else - I'm not sure what though. :)


Would it be better when I install Outlook 2007 to uninstall my existong
Outlook and find a way to import the old .pst file rather than just use it in
the new version? I am afraid that I will just pass on the existing problem to
the new application.

Brian Tillman

Ray said:
Would it be better when I install Outlook 2007 to uninstall my
existong Outlook and find a way to import the old .pst file rather
than just use it in the new version? I am afraid that I will just
pass on the existing problem to the new application.

You could try, but importing usually introduces problems like that rather
than fixing them.


So I should let Outlook 2007 create a new .pst file and then go through the
Import function and "Import from Personal Folder File (pst)"?
To misplace one's housekeys is not a problem
To forget what they are for.....Problem

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Correct. Let outlook make a new pst then move the stuff over to it.

I'm not sure if it will fix the problem though. :)

Brian Tillman

Ray said:
So I should let Outlook 2007 create a new .pst file and then go
through the Import function and "Import from Personal Folder File

I wouldn't import as a first approach, I'd copy items folder-to-folder. If
the corruption copies as well, then I'd try the import.


Thanks for the tips. I will install the new Outlook 2007 and return to this
thread once I see what transpires

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