Icons mixed up after installing TR for Beta2, Project crashes


Jan Ehlers

After I installed technical refresh for beta 2 the toolbar icons are all
mixed up.
Furthermore MS project crashes, when I try to open the open file dialog box.


Hi Jan,

There have been several people (I'm one of them) who saw toolbar buttons
stop functioning and/or disappear when the tech refresh was installed.

John Carroll (another poster to this ng) and I were both instructed to:
Exit MS Project 2007
Delete the Global.MPT file
Restart Project to recreate the Global file.

This appeared to work for both John and I. I suggest trying the same.

If this does not resolve the issue, try posting the issue on the
Feedback site for MSP 2007 Beta:

You will need to login with a passport ID in order to post the feedback.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit http://project.mvps.org/ for the FAQs and additional information
about Microsoft Project

Jan Ehlers

Thanks for your suggestion.

Unfortunately, it did not help to delete the global.mpt file. After deleting
it Project reinitialized next time I started it, but it did not help.



Hi Jan,

Sorry deleting Global didn't work. Just to confirm, there are two Tech
Refresh files, one for Office 2007 (Word, Excel etc.) and one for
Project 2007. Did you install the Tech Refresh for Project, for Office,
or both.

See the following URL for the download for Project 2007 Technical


I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit http://project.mvps.org/ for the FAQs and additional information
about Microsoft Project

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