What I have currently is two tables. The "JobTracker" table, and the
"ServiceTable" table. The JobTracker table has about 1800 entries. What I
would like to do is this. In the JobTracker table the "Job #" field is the
unique identifier that all other fields contain information about. (My Excel
background is probably screaming idiot to all of the more experienced Access
users right about now, but hey, I work with what I've got) To put it
clearly, I have about 30 columns, the first being the Job #, and the other 29
containing data related to that particular Job #. The ServiceTable needs to
have the ability to contain unique information about an individual
ServiceNumber, but each Job # needs to be able to be related to multiple
ServiceNumbers. The ServiceNumbers will have everything in common in the
JobTracker table with each Job # that it's related to. So if I have a Job #
1000, the JobTracker table contains address information, scheduling, pricing,
and contact information unique to that Job #. When adding a service number
in the ServiceTable, let's say 1000-S to denote the service number, that
table will contain information as to the type of service and the date it
needs to be performed, but I do not want to have to re-enter all address,
customer, production info et cetera, so it needs to be linked somehow to a
specific Job # in the JobTracker table. I have a service form that needs to
display the basic information about a particular Job #, PLUS the added
information necessary to complete the service work. Again, one Job # may
have 5 ServiceNumbers that need to be individually accessible from the other
ServiceNumbers for that same job. Currently the ServiceTable is completely
blank because I have not began tracking service through the database as of
yet. The Service Form is mainly going to be used for data entry, so it is
not absolutely necessary to be able to go from record to record showing
nothing but Jobs that have ServiceNumbers. When the need arises to create a
Service Request, I have added a button on my JobForm to link to a new entry
for the ServiceForm. If I left anything important out, let me know, and I
appreciate the help!
"ServiceTable" table. The JobTracker table has about 1800 entries. What I
would like to do is this. In the JobTracker table the "Job #" field is the
unique identifier that all other fields contain information about. (My Excel
background is probably screaming idiot to all of the more experienced Access
users right about now, but hey, I work with what I've got) To put it
clearly, I have about 30 columns, the first being the Job #, and the other 29
containing data related to that particular Job #. The ServiceTable needs to
have the ability to contain unique information about an individual
ServiceNumber, but each Job # needs to be able to be related to multiple
ServiceNumbers. The ServiceNumbers will have everything in common in the
JobTracker table with each Job # that it's related to. So if I have a Job #
1000, the JobTracker table contains address information, scheduling, pricing,
and contact information unique to that Job #. When adding a service number
in the ServiceTable, let's say 1000-S to denote the service number, that
table will contain information as to the type of service and the date it
needs to be performed, but I do not want to have to re-enter all address,
customer, production info et cetera, so it needs to be linked somehow to a
specific Job # in the JobTracker table. I have a service form that needs to
display the basic information about a particular Job #, PLUS the added
information necessary to complete the service work. Again, one Job # may
have 5 ServiceNumbers that need to be individually accessible from the other
ServiceNumbers for that same job. Currently the ServiceTable is completely
blank because I have not began tracking service through the database as of
yet. The Service Form is mainly going to be used for data entry, so it is
not absolutely necessary to be able to go from record to record showing
nothing but Jobs that have ServiceNumbers. When the need arises to create a
Service Request, I have added a button on my JobForm to link to a new entry
for the ServiceForm. If I left anything important out, let me know, and I
appreciate the help!