I'd like to See...



Long ago and far away, in a life at another company, the first email system
we had (ccmail?, I don't remember), had a feature that I would love to see
in Outlook. It had to replying to an email, or more specifically, a
particular line or phrase in the email. All we had to do was highlight the
line, phrase, whatever, and then click on Reply. A reply form was opened
with the proper addresses in the right places, with just the highlighted
info included in the reply.

Many of us complain about people including too much of the original thread
in a reply, probably because they don't wan't to take the time to edit out
the unwanted stuff. My guess is that there ARE applications out there that
provide this feature, and I guess I could search them out and make the leap
to one, but I'd really like to see Outlook include this feature.

Any Microsoft people out there?


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