Ideas Wanted


John Prescott

Ideas Wanted

Great idea for a website?
Do you need the expertise to develop your idea, create a complicated
website program and move the whole project onto the next stage?
Talk to us and learn how we can do this in conjunction with each other
- maybe at no cost to you.


Regards, John Prescott

Paymaster Systems Ltd,
Moorlands House, Oldfield Road, Bromley, Kent. BR1 2LE
TEL: 020 8467 6107 FAX: 020 8467 6121
e-mail: (e-mail address removed) website <>

P@tty Ayers

John Prescott said:
Ideas Wanted

Great idea for a website?
Do you need the expertise to develop your idea, create a complicated
website program and move the whole project onto the next stage?
Talk to us and learn how we can do this in conjunction with each other
- maybe at no cost to you.

What's a web site program?

Isn't this a commercial solicitation?

Steve Easton

What's a web site program?
Beats me too. That must be why it's complicated.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer

Kevin Spencer

What's a web site program?

That's that little booklet they give to you when you come in the front door,
after buying your ticket.
Isn't this a commercial solicitation?

Not, that was your response to a commercial solitication.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer

Presuming that God is "only an idea" -
Ideas exist.
Therefore, God exists.

P@tty Ayers

Kevin Spencer said:
That's that little booklet they give to you when you come in the front
door, after buying your ticket.

Not, that was your response to a commercial solitication.

No, that was *your* response to a *my* response to a commercial
solicitation. This is my response to your response . :)

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

a complicated website "complicated" must be a good thing then?
KICS (keep it complicated stupid?) :))))

|> What's a web site program?
| That's that little booklet they give to you when you come in the front
| after buying your ticket.
| > Isn't this a commercial solicitation?
| Not, that was your response to a commercial solitication.
| --
| ;-),
| Kevin Spencer
| Microsoft MVP
| .Net Developer
| Presuming that God is "only an idea" -
| Ideas exist.
| Therefore, God exists.
| | >
| > | >> Ideas Wanted
| >>
| >> Great idea for a website?
| >> Do you need the expertise to develop your idea, create a complicated
| >> website program and move the whole project onto the next stage?
| >> Talk to us and learn how we can do this in conjunction with each other
| >> - maybe at no cost to you.
| >
| > What's a web site program?
| >
| > Isn't this a commercial solicitation?
| >
| >
| > --
| > Patty Ayers |
| > Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
| > Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate Worksheet
| > --
| >
| >

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