Identify graphic files



If a graphic (say pic.jpg) is inserted into a Word document, is there any
way can one identify the graphic file name and type?

Of course I refer to graphic files inserted in the document, not

(Version Word unimportant, although I'm running 2003 and 2007, and files are
usually 97-2003 format)



Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can't recover any file data unless you have linked the picture, in which
case you'll have an IncludePicture field that gives the file path (but
you'll be able to see the field code only if the picture is In Line With


Suzanne said:
You can't recover any file data unless you have linked the picture,
in which case you'll have an IncludePicture field that gives the file
path (but you'll be able to see the field code only if the picture is
In Line With Text).

Thanks Suzanne. I've struggled with this since I was required to leave
WordPerfect for Word some years ago. WordPerfect is so well-behaved :)

The present query related to a doc I've just received - I need to know
whether graphics in it are GIF or a JPG or whatever.

<As an aside, I do work for a client that requires graphics to be GIF for
small file-size; I've argued that GIFs are screen display, and lousy quality
print, but the client is driven by IT people, not technical people. I'd
like to find a way of producing decently-printing GIFs :) >.

Thanks again, Suzanne.


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