Identify last non-empty column in a table



I have a table of monthly data for 2008. Monthly columns are empty until
month end data is available, except for the top row which contains the month
names Jan thru Dec.

How do I write a function to place the Excel Column Letter in a cell to
identify the monthly column having the most recent data. If the top cell in
a column is non-blank, then that column, and all before will complete.

Hope this description is clear. Thx for your help, John



Well its not quite clear since you say the top column contains all the
months but if it is not empty all the previous columns are complete?

So I'm going to assume that row 2 contains data out to the last column which
is complete. But row 1 contains data (month names) ever further.


This is array entered - Press Shift+Ctrl+Enter instead of Enter. Also this
formula assumes that row 2 only has data out to the last month, not data way
outside the original data range. If that is the case edit the formula
replacing 2:2 with something like A2:N2 or whatever is appropriate.

If this is helpful, please click the Yes button.



'Sheet1 A1-L1 has headers Jan-12
'Following macro will place the Mon name in Sheet2 Cell A1 till the month
row 2 is filled in Sheet1
Sub findLastMonth()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 12
If Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(2, i).Value = "" Then
Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(1, 1).Value = _
Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, i - 1).Value
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
End Sub


Sheeloo, Shanes formula solution worked fine for me so I did not need to go
the somewhat more involved approach using your macro. I think this would have
worked also, but I did not try it. Thx so much, john


Thanks John for your feedback.

Yes, Shanes solution was much better.
Try this
if you want to get the heading corresponding to the last filled cell in row
This does not need to be entered with ctrl-shift-enter


Hi Sheeloo,

Much better? Not alway; it depends on what you are doing, so providing a
code solutions may be very helpful for the user. Keep up the good work!

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