Identifying Title Slides in PowerPoint


Dan Wingard

(My apologies if you are receiving this question twice:)

As you can tell from this question, I am a new user of PowerPoint:

I know how to create a Title Slide, but how do you identify a slide as a
Title Slide once it's been created?

Thanks . . .

Dan Wingard
Los Angeles


The answer depends on which verion of PPT you're using, but youve omitted
that key piece of information :)

The source of your message suggests you may be using one of the Windows
versions but you've posted to the Mac PPT group... If my hunch is correct
you'd do better to post to the group for PC PPT which you'll find here:

For many questions some of us are able to answer regardless of Mac or PC,
but we still need to have version specifics in order to provide an accurate

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