Siegfried Heintze
Is @@IDENTITY thread safe in that it returns the autoincrement value for the
most recent insert for that thread or just the most recent insert by any
Tim says @@IDENTITY works with ADO and but not DAO. What about ODBC?
I'm looking at
and I'm very confused! I'm sure that MS Access does not, for example,
support stored procedures.
Tim says there are a lot of TSQL features supported in MS Access. Is there a
list somewhere?
I'm looking at Dino "Building Web Solutions with ASP.NET and ADO.NET" and I
see really fancy SQL like
CASE GROUPING(o.customerid) WHEN 0 THEN o.customerid ELSE '(Total)' END
AS AllCustomerSummary,
CASE GROUPING (os.orderid) WHEN 0 THEN od.orderid ELSE -1 END
AS IndividuallyCsutomerSummary,
FROM Orders o, [Order Details] od
GROUP BY o.customerid, od.orderid WITH ROLLUP
Will these fancy keywords like CASE and ROLLUP work in MS Access?
There used to be MSAccess SQL syntax at search.microsoft.com but I cannot
find it anymore.
most recent insert for that thread or just the most recent insert by any
Tim says @@IDENTITY works with ADO and but not DAO. What about ODBC?
I'm looking at
and I'm very confused! I'm sure that MS Access does not, for example,
support stored procedures.
Tim says there are a lot of TSQL features supported in MS Access. Is there a
list somewhere?
I'm looking at Dino "Building Web Solutions with ASP.NET and ADO.NET" and I
see really fancy SQL like
CASE GROUPING(o.customerid) WHEN 0 THEN o.customerid ELSE '(Total)' END
AS AllCustomerSummary,
CASE GROUPING (os.orderid) WHEN 0 THEN od.orderid ELSE -1 END
AS IndividuallyCsutomerSummary,
FROM Orders o, [Order Details] od
GROUP BY o.customerid, od.orderid WITH ROLLUP
Will these fancy keywords like CASE and ROLLUP work in MS Access?
There used to be MSAccess SQL syntax at search.microsoft.com but I cannot
find it anymore.