From what I gather this is extremely complicated, so I am grateful for
any attempt to answer:
Refer to attachment 1: here you see a listing of sensors and their
values the sensor is the first string and the underlying value is after
the underscore ie: sensor=PGA-HCF-nasalC-10aUB-s2 and the value is
that worksheet contains every B sensor, evidenced by
PGA-HCF-nasalC-10aU*B* -s2
there is another worksheet called 'a' that has all the a sensors:
PGA-HCF-nasalC-10aU*A* -s2
the number '10' changes in each sensor...ie: PGA-HCF-nasalC-*11*aU*A*
-s2 may be another sensor.
This raw data contains many more sensors and values than ill ever need,
so a list of the necessary sensors is in a worksheet called 'sensors'.
refer to attachment 2
this worksheet contains sensors with different numberical values (the
10) and both a and b
what i need to do is essentially identify each sensor in the sensors
worksheets and search for the three columns in the 'a' or 'b' worksheet
that contain that sensor, copy those columns and paste them into a new
the raw data goes down 23,000 rows btw.
thank u all!
AIM me @ decept1on or post here if u have any insight or need
|Filename: 2.GIF |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=3532 |
any attempt to answer:
Refer to attachment 1: here you see a listing of sensors and their
values the sensor is the first string and the underlying value is after
the underscore ie: sensor=PGA-HCF-nasalC-10aUB-s2 and the value is
that worksheet contains every B sensor, evidenced by
PGA-HCF-nasalC-10aU*B* -s2
there is another worksheet called 'a' that has all the a sensors:
PGA-HCF-nasalC-10aU*A* -s2
the number '10' changes in each sensor...ie: PGA-HCF-nasalC-*11*aU*A*
-s2 may be another sensor.
This raw data contains many more sensors and values than ill ever need,
so a list of the necessary sensors is in a worksheet called 'sensors'.
refer to attachment 2
this worksheet contains sensors with different numberical values (the
10) and both a and b
what i need to do is essentially identify each sensor in the sensors
worksheets and search for the three columns in the 'a' or 'b' worksheet
that contain that sensor, copy those columns and paste them into a new
the raw data goes down 23,000 rows btw.
thank u all!
AIM me @ decept1on or post here if u have any insight or need
|Filename: 2.GIF |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=3532 |