Since starting to use Office 2004, I've been having a hard time using
the .mac/disk syncing function that I normally rely on to keep my
desktop and laptop in sync. Basically, I have found that after working
on a few word documents over the course of the afternoon, my idisk
will suddenly attempt to sync, oh, 5,000 files. Typically, they begin
YOD... and then continue for another 20 digits. Has anyone had a
similar problem? Does anyone know what these files are, why they are
constantly changing, and how I can restore order to my now
out-of-control idisk syncing situation?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I am using the most recent version of Mac OS X; I have two g4s;
I have a very large .mac account that syncs automatically.
the .mac/disk syncing function that I normally rely on to keep my
desktop and laptop in sync. Basically, I have found that after working
on a few word documents over the course of the afternoon, my idisk
will suddenly attempt to sync, oh, 5,000 files. Typically, they begin
YOD... and then continue for another 20 digits. Has anyone had a
similar problem? Does anyone know what these files are, why they are
constantly changing, and how I can restore order to my now
out-of-control idisk syncing situation?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I am using the most recent version of Mac OS X; I have two g4s;
I have a very large .mac account that syncs automatically.