There is a COM component for which I have to create a clone drop-in
replacement whilst only knowing the COM Interface.
The original component (created in VB from what I can tell) provides user
authentication against an MS Access or MS SQL Server database. I have
created a clone that can use any ODBC datasource.
I extracted the Type Library and generated an IDL.
helpstring("IRCXpro Database Link"),
custom(50867B00-BB69-11D0-A8FF-00A0C9110059, 8964)
library IRCXproDBLink
I've written a .Net C# component whose IDL almost completely matches, except
for one item:
custom(50867B00-BB69-11D0-A8FF-00A0C9110059, 8964)
My C# component doesn't generate that custom attribute GUID. I searched the
local registry but could not find the GUID. Googling only reveals articles
that have the same GUID (the value 8964 often varies), but no explanation of
where its coming from or what it means.
I have four questions:
1. Do I need this attribute in my clone component's IDL/TypeLib ?
2. If so, do I need code to back it up?
3. What does the GUID signify?
4. What does the attribute value signify?
replacement whilst only knowing the COM Interface.
The original component (created in VB from what I can tell) provides user
authentication against an MS Access or MS SQL Server database. I have
created a clone that can use any ODBC datasource.
I extracted the Type Library and generated an IDL.
helpstring("IRCXpro Database Link"),
custom(50867B00-BB69-11D0-A8FF-00A0C9110059, 8964)
library IRCXproDBLink
I've written a .Net C# component whose IDL almost completely matches, except
for one item:
custom(50867B00-BB69-11D0-A8FF-00A0C9110059, 8964)
My C# component doesn't generate that custom attribute GUID. I searched the
local registry but could not find the GUID. Googling only reveals articles
that have the same GUID (the value 8964 often varies), but no explanation of
where its coming from or what it means.
I have four questions:
1. Do I need this attribute in my clone component's IDL/TypeLib ?
2. If so, do I need code to back it up?
3. What does the GUID signify?
4. What does the attribute value signify?