IE Active X Control Error Message in Outlook 2003


Amanda George

I have MS Outlook 2003 and sometimes when I double-click on some of my sent
messages in Outlook to open them, a window pops us with the following details:

Title Bar: Microsoft Internet Explorer
Message: "Your current security settings prohibit Active X controls on this
page. As a result, the page may not display correctly."

When the recipient opens the email from me, the error pops up on their
screen too after they double-click the email to open it. There are no
attachments. I am editing messages in MS Word 2003, and I am using a
standard text email signature. The message doesn't pop up on all sent
emails, only some of them sometimes. I have all IE active x controls enabled
under security settings on my browser.

I have Windows XP SP1 and I am missing several patches. I know I need to
patch the machine, but would missing service packs and patches cause this
type of error in Outlook or is there another fix?

Brian Tillman

Amanda George said:
I have MS Outlook 2003 and sometimes when I double-click on some of
my sent messages in Outlook to open them, a window pops us with the
following details:

Title Bar: Microsoft Internet Explorer
Message: "Your current security settings prohibit Active X controls
on this page. As a result, the page may not display correctly."

When the recipient opens the email from me, the error pops up on their
screen too after they double-click the email to open it. There are no
attachments. I am editing messages in MS Word 2003, and I am using a
standard text email signature. The message doesn't pop up on all sent
emails, only some of them sometimes. I have all IE active x controls
enabled under security settings on my browser.

Mail opens in the Restricted web zone by default. Usually, ActiveX controls
are disabled in that zone. You don't want to be running ActiveX in mail

Amanda George

For which zone should I disable Active X controls or should they be enabled
for a certain zone?

Brian Tillman

Amanda George said:
For which zone should I disable Active X controls or should they be
enabled for a certain zone?

I think they're enabled in any zone whose security settings are "medium-low"
or "low". Of course, you can also enabled them in a customized level.

Amanda George

They are all disabled in the Restricted zone. I checked the Security zones
in Outlook and Restricted Sites in the zone being used. This baffles me as
to why the Active x control message appears when using the Restricted zone in

Brian Tillman

Amanda George said:
They are all disabled in the Restricted zone. I checked the Security
zones in Outlook and Restricted Sites in the zone being used. This
baffles me as to why the Active x control message appears when using
the Restricted zone in Outlook?

Because they're disabled in the Restricted zone, and Outlook uses IE to
render the HTML.

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