So on the same machine - someone else's even - you login and go to the task page and IE crashes. Someone else can login using different credentials and go to the task page and it works fine?? Whoa! That is weird.
When you change who logs into project server are you doing a logoff on the machine and logging into the workstation with a different set of credentials too? If so, different user profiles on the windoze workstation could explain this I suppose. If not, I'm at a total loss.
Go ahead and try to remove the project activeX components for IE and reinstalling them. Here's how.
Go to a command prompt (Start>Run>cmd) and change to the "%systemroot%\Downloaded Program Files" directory. Do a dir command and look for pj*.* you should see some dlls and ocxs. Do a del pj*.* command. Close the command window, restart the machine and go to the project web access site. You should get the end user license agreement page again since it looks for those controls to see if it needs to display or not. Accept the license terms (if you dare ;>)) and try the tasks page. Let us know what you find.
NO I haven't tried that but what I did try was accessing my tasks page from
someone else's computer... got the same result. They can open their task page
but when I sign on to the server from thier machine and try to access my
tasks page I get exactly the same crash .... would suggest the problem is
with the data not with IE or the controls. I have a lot of tasks ... possibly
too many? Any one know what the upper limit is?