IE prompts to download PPT rather than display in browser


Jay Mavi

Hi every one,

Internet Explorer - 6.0.2800.1106
Windows XP 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp2.030422-1633: Service Pack 1)
No MS Office/PowerPoint or PP Viewer is installed on this PC.
MSORun is installed.

This is a PC on a Windows peer to peer LAN primarily used for testing
applications (with plenty of speed, RAM, HD space, etc; Connected to
Web by Cable Modem).

Problem: Until about 2-3 days ago, I could play PPT files in Internet
Explorer from local drive or a network drive simply by double clicking
on a PPT file. Similarly, no problems with running a PPT file from Web
(To be sure, we are NOT talking about PP presentation saved as Web

*** NOW, IE wants to DOWNLOAD the PPT file rather than DISPLAY it in
the Browser.
*** I need it to display the PP Presentation, NOT download it.

No new apps installed recently. No registry changes. Nothing changed
whatsoever except regular Windows Updates. Uninstalled and reinstalled
MSORun AFTER this problem came up.

Web search for this problem reveals following but these do not help:
1. Windows Explorer -> Folder Options ->... -> Open Each Folder in
Same Window. (Already set that way.)
2. File Association issue - There is NO (and never was) a
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation entry in Folder Options -> "File
Types" for me to associate with IE. Simply creating a PPT Extension
and setting it to open with IE does not help (of course).
*** Edit Registry to set: BrowserFlags to 0 -- I have NOT tried
this as two other PCs (Win2K) have a NON-Zero entry for BrowserFlags
and work fine. Besides, no registry editing done recently (I stay away
from Registry the best I can).

Any help/guidance in resolving this is greatly appreciated.
My apology for a rather long post.


Jay Mavi

Jay Mavi

Thank you for your reply.
That's where I checked first and tried steps suggested (except registry editing).

I still have the same problem.
Wonder if this has to do with Windows Updates/Security ?

BTW, I did install PowerPoint Viewer 2003 on the "affected PC."
No change in status.

Please let me know if you have any other ideas.


Jay Mavi

Thank you for your reply.

I still have the same problem.
Wonder if this has to do with Windows Updates/Security ?

<< Something's wrong here. MSIE can't play PowerPoint presentations
on its own. It "hosts" PPT or the viewer, that's all. One of them (or
conceivably some other app that took over the PPT association?) must
have been installed. >>

To test your hypothesis, I installed PowerPoint Viewer 2003 on the
"affected PC." (PPT and PPS point to the Viewer in Folder Options ->
file associations. Of course, viewer shows PPT files just fine.)

No change in status regarding IE not showing PPT files from local HD
or Web.

Still looking for a solution !
Please let me know if you have any other ideas.


Steve Rindsberg said:
Hi every one,

Internet Explorer - 6.0.2800.1106
Windows XP 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp2.030422-1633: Service Pack 1)

No MS Office/PowerPoint or PP Viewer is installed on this PC.
MSORun is installed.

Problem: Until about 2-3 days ago, I could play PPT files in Internet
Explorer from local drive or a network drive simply by double clicking
on a PPT file. Similarly, no problems with running a PPT file from Web
(To be sure, we are NOT talking about PP presentation saved as Web

Something's wrong here. MSIE can't play PowerPoint presentations on its own.
It "hosts" PPT or the viewer, that's all. One of them (or conceivably some
other app that took over the PPT association?) must have been installed.

*** NOW, IE wants to DOWNLOAD the PPT file rather than DISPLAY it in
the Browser.
*** I need it to display the PP Presentation, NOT download it.

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