IE starting Notes rather than Outlook?



We just migrated from Lotus Notes to Outlook 2003. I have change my 'internet options' in IE to use Outlook rather than Notes when sending email. However, if I open IE and click on "Tools | Mail and News | Send Page", IE continues to start Notes email client rather than opening Outlook

I have found that if I open Word and try to "send" from within Word, it correctly starts Outlook

Any ideas?


When using Internet Explorer to send a web page via email, it will launch your lotus notes client regardless of the setting configured in Internet Explorer

The email application in Internet Explorer is configured under the menu option:

Tools => Internet Options. Select the Program tab. In this example we will specify your default email application to be Outlook.

To reproduce the issue, open up any web page in IE. Select File - > Send - > Page by Email

The lotus notes client will launch and a new memo is created containing the HTML message

The expected behavior is to launch Outlook and the memo be created in Outlook, NOT domino.


Appears the 5.12 client installation adds a registry setting to the workstation

The workaround is to blank out the DLLPath registry setting.

The registry setting can be found here:

HKEYLOCALMACHINE/Software/client/mail/lotus notes/DLLPath

The type is REG_SZ . The value will point to the following:

c:\notesservers\512\client\nmailman.dll (or path to where the client was installed).

NOTE: The information above is presented as a guideline for making relevant changes within the Windows Registry. The Windows Registry is central to the operation of Windows, so any changes should be performed with great care. As with any major configuration change, it is highly recommended that customers have complete backups of their computer systems before attempting the following procedure, in order to allow recovery from system file corruption or other failures. If you require instruction about backing up and modifying the Windows Registry, first contact your system administrator or reference one of the third-party guides available for advanced Windows topics.

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