IE7 and resizeby problem


Mike McCollister

I have a JavaScript function that I use to open up an image in a popup
window when someone clicks on an image. It works fine in IE6 but in IE7 when
I try to do a resizeBy to resize the window due to the scrollbar height the
image does not come up sometimes. Does anyone know how to fix this?

I've included my function. below.



function DisplayImage(image, width, height, title, date)
var newWin;
var winName;
var title2 = unescape(title);
var newTitle = title2;
var newDate;
var ieVersion = GetInternetExplorerVersion();

html = "";

title2 = "some code remove here";

html += "<html>" + endl;
html += "<head>" + endl;
html += "<title>" + newTitle + ": " + newDate + "</title>" + endl;
html += "</head>" + endl;
html += "<script>" + endl;
html += "function PlaySound(url) {html += document.all.sound.src =
html += "</script>" + endl;
html += "<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' " +
"marginheight='0' marginwidth='0'>" + endl;
html += "<p align='center'>" + endl;
html += "<a href='javascript:window.close()'>" +
"<img src='" + imageDir + "/" + image + "' width='" + width +
"' height='" + height + "' alt='' " +
"title='Click to Close Window' border='0'></a>" + endl;
html += "</p>" + endl;
html += "<font face='Arial'>" + endl;
html += "<p align='center'><b>" + title2 + "</b><br>" + endl;
html += date + "</p><p></p>" + endl;
html += "</font>" + endl;
html += "</body>" + endl;
html += "</html>";

newWin ="", "photoWindow", //winName,
"width=" + width +
",height=" + height +
",menubar=yes" +
",resizable=yes" +

// resize window only for Microsoft Internet Explorer
if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
// ???? PROBLEMS HERE IN IE7 ?????
if((ieVersion >= 4) && (ieVersion <= 6))
// I don't know why this needs to be done

// do the resize
newWin.resizeBy(width - newWin.document.body.clientWidth,
height - newWin.document.body.clientHeight);


Stefan B Rusynko

And what happen if you change the line to
if((ieVersion >= 4) && (ieVersion <= 7))


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

|I have a JavaScript function that I use to open up an image in a popup
| window when someone clicks on an image. It works fine in IE6 but in IE7 when
| I try to do a resizeBy to resize the window due to the scrollbar height the
| image does not come up sometimes. Does anyone know how to fix this?
| I've included my function. below.
| Thanks,
| Mike
| function DisplayImage(image, width, height, title, date)
| {
| var newWin;
| var winName;
| var title2 = unescape(title);
| var newTitle = title2;
| var newDate;
| var ieVersion = GetInternetExplorerVersion();
| html = "";
| title2 = "some code remove here";
| html += "<html>" + endl;
| html += "<head>" + endl;
| html += "<title>" + newTitle + ": " + newDate + "</title>" + endl;
| html += "</head>" + endl;
| html += "<script>" + endl;
| html += "function PlaySound(url) {html += document.all.sound.src =
| url;}";
| html += "</script>" + endl;
| html += "<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' " +
| "marginheight='0' marginwidth='0'>" + endl;
| html += "<p align='center'>" + endl;
| html += "<a href='javascript:window.close()'>" +
| "<img src='" + imageDir + "/" + image + "' width='" + width +
| "' height='" + height + "' alt='' " +
| "title='Click to Close Window' border='0'></a>" + endl;
| html += "</p>" + endl;
| html += "<font face='Arial'>" + endl;
| html += "<p align='center'><b>" + title2 + "</b><br>" + endl;
| html += date + "</p><p></p>" + endl;
| html += "</font>" + endl;
| html += "</body>" + endl;
| html += "</html>";
| newWin ="", "photoWindow", //winName,
| "width=" + width +
| ",height=" + height +
| ",menubar=yes" +
| ",resizable=yes" +
| ",scrollbars=yes",
| true);
| // resize window only for Microsoft Internet Explorer
| if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
| {
| // ???? PROBLEMS HERE IN IE7 ?????
| if((ieVersion >= 4) && (ieVersion <= 6))
| {
| // I don't know why this needs to be done
| newWin.document.writeln("<html><body></body></html>");
| // do the resize
| newWin.resizeBy(width - newWin.document.body.clientWidth,
| height - newWin.document.body.clientHeight);
| }
| }
| newWin.document.writeln(html);
| newWin.document.close();
| newWin.focus();
| }

Mike McCollister

The window will open and size correclty but the second and third times the
window will fill the whole screen.


Stefan B Rusynko said:
And what happen if you change the line to
if((ieVersion >= 4) && (ieVersion <= 7))


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

message |I have a JavaScript function that I use to open up an image in a popup
| window when someone clicks on an image. It works fine in IE6 but in IE7
| I try to do a resizeBy to resize the window due to the scrollbar height
| image does not come up sometimes. Does anyone know how to fix this?
| I've included my function. below.
| Thanks,
| Mike
| function DisplayImage(image, width, height, title, date)
| {
| var newWin;
| var winName;
| var title2 = unescape(title);
| var newTitle = title2;
| var newDate;
| var ieVersion = GetInternetExplorerVersion();
| html = "";
| title2 = "some code remove here";
| html += "<html>" + endl;
| html += "<head>" + endl;
| html += "<title>" + newTitle + ": " + newDate + "</title>" + endl;
| html += "</head>" + endl;
| html += "<script>" + endl;
| html += "function PlaySound(url) {html += document.all.sound.src =
| url;}";
| html += "</script>" + endl;
| html += "<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' " +
| "marginheight='0' marginwidth='0'>" + endl;
| html += "<p align='center'>" + endl;
| html += "<a href='javascript:window.close()'>" +
| "<img src='" + imageDir + "/" + image + "' width='" + width +
| "' height='" + height + "' alt='' " +
| "title='Click to Close Window' border='0'></a>" + endl;
| html += "</p>" + endl;
| html += "<font face='Arial'>" + endl;
| html += "<p align='center'><b>" + title2 + "</b><br>" + endl;
| html += date + "</p><p></p>" + endl;
| html += "</font>" + endl;
| html += "</body>" + endl;
| html += "</html>";
| newWin ="", "photoWindow", //winName,
| "width=" + width +
| ",height=" + height +
| ",menubar=yes" +
| ",resizable=yes" +
| ",scrollbars=yes",
| true);
| // resize window only for Microsoft Internet Explorer
| if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
| {
| // ???? PROBLEMS HERE IN IE7 ?????
| if((ieVersion >= 4) && (ieVersion <= 6))
| {
| // I don't know why this needs to be done
| newWin.document.writeln("<html><body></body></html>");
| // do the resize
| newWin.resizeBy(width - newWin.document.body.clientWidth,
| height - newWin.document.body.clientHeight);
| }
| }
| newWin.document.writeln(html);
| newWin.document.close();
| newWin.focus();
| }

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