IF/AND Function


Sr Accountant

I have a spreadsheet that we are tracking billing statements for Medical
Records, and I am struggling to get my formula to work the way I want it to.
We send a past due notice at 30, 60 and 90 days if no payment has been

I have tried to right an IF statement as follows:
=If(TODAY()-A1)>30,"3-","") This works for just the aging process, but I
would prefer it give me the 30, 60 or 90, PLUS if my amount column has
anything in it, leave the aging section blank. I can write my separate
amount formula as follows: =IF(j1>0,"","30"), but this is not accurate as
it's not pulling the date correctly.

I hope this makes sense, and if anyone can enlighten me, I would greatly
appreciate it.



If I get your problem correctly:

=IF(C13<>""; ""; IF($B$7-D13>90; "over 90!"; IF($B$7-D13>60; "over 60!";
IF($B$7-D13>30; "over 30!"; "no rush yet..." ) ) ) )


where the C column contains the amounts paid
B7 contains "=today()"
and the D column contain the due dates


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