Dear Sirs,
How do i insert a "if" & " and" functions together. I have a list of
customers and a list of products ,which are being bought by customers at
diffrent point of times. I want to consolidate the information in the format
currently is in the format > customerX / Material A/ Quantity / Bill no /
date,i.e. it is by material and date. So if a customer buys a material "A" 10
times during the month under 10 bills it is reflected 10 times .
Pl. oblige
How do i insert a "if" & " and" functions together. I have a list of
customers and a list of products ,which are being bought by customers at
diffrent point of times. I want to consolidate the information in the format
bought so many units of product "B" so on... The information that I receiveCustomer "X" has bought so many units of products "A", Customer "Y" has
currently is in the format > customerX / Material A/ Quantity / Bill no /
date,i.e. it is by material and date. So if a customer buys a material "A" 10
times during the month under 10 bills it is reflected 10 times .
Pl. oblige