IF/AND Statements in Comp Calculator




Almost done with this but I'm stumped on the last remaining formula. The
way this compensation plan will work is if reps are between 0-25% growth they
will get paid $100 per point, 26-50% $150 per point, 51-75% $200 per point.
Growth is calculated monthly vs. a monthly #. My problem is that if the rep
is at 40% they get the first 25% at $100 and the next 15% at $150. My
formula is an either or thing. The following are my formulas for 0-25%,
26-50%,51-75% respectively:


Any suggestions?


Ron Coderre


See if this helps

Build this table in A1:B4

Increase Incremental Rate
0% 100
25% 50
50% 50

Then, with values in B9, C9, and D9

Note: in case text wrap impacts the display, there are no spaces in that

Is that something you can work with?

XL2002, WinXP


Hi Bob,

You could also try:



Ron Coderre said:

See if this helps

Build this table in A1:B4

Increase Incremental Rate
0% 100
25% 50
50% 50

Then, with values in B9, C9, and D9

Note: in case text wrap impacts the display, there are no spaces in that

Is that something you can work with?

XL2002, WinXP


macropod said:
Hi Bob,

You could also try:


I changed the (2) 50s to 150 and 200 and the numbers are getting really close.
One thing though the plan is capped at 75% growth. By the looks of this
that is not accounted for, is it? Thanks for your suggestion. Almost there.

Ron Coderre

I understand your point...
I tried to emulate your posted formula, but I didn't have much to go on.

I'm guessing that C9 is some kind of volume? hundreds? millions? units?
Is C9 the previous amount and D9 the new amount?
What does B9 represent?


XL2002, WinXP


Hi Bob,

Your original post indicated you wanted the payees to get $250 per point for
1-25%, an additional $50 per point for 26-50% and an additional $50 per
point for 51-75%. So, why would you change the two 50s to 150 and 200? That
would result in the payees getting $250 per point for 1-25%, an additional
$150 per point for 26-50% (i.e. $250 per point) and an additional $200 per
point for 51-75% (i.e. $450 per point).

As for capping, try:


BobVA said:
One thing though the plan is capped at 75% growth. By the looks of this
that is not accounted for, is it? Thanks for your suggestion. Almost


Ron Coderre said:
I understand your point...
I tried to emulate your posted formula, but I didn't have much to go on.

I'm guessing that C9 is some kind of volume? hundreds? millions? units?
Is C9 the previous amount and D9 the new amount?
What does B9 represent?


XL2002, WinXP


D9 represents actual sales that month, C9 is Quota for the month. B9
represents the number of weeks in that given month. Not all our months have
the same number of weeks. THanks again.

Ron Coderre

OK...Let's see if I'm following here.

You want to calculate the percent increase over quota.
There is a stratified bonus system associated with that increase.
The first 25% of increase earns $100 per percentage point.
The second 25% of increase earns $150 per percentage point.
The third 25% of increase earns $200 per percentage point.

The total bonus earned is prorated to the percentage of a year for the
period covered. A 4-week month pays 4/52 of the bonus.

If those statements are true, with the table of data I posted earlier, try

B9 = Weeks in the period
C9 = Sales Quota
D9 = Actual Sales
Bonus for this period is:

Is that any closer to what you're looking for?

XL2002, WinXP


macropod said:
Hi Bob,

Your original post indicated you wanted the payees to get $250 per point for
1-25%, an additional $50 per point for 26-50% and an additional $50 per
point for 51-75%. So, why would you change the two 50s to 150 and 200? That
would result in the payees getting $250 per point for 1-25%, an additional
$150 per point for 26-50% (i.e. $250 per point) and an additional $200 per
point for 51-75% (i.e. $450 per point).

As for capping, try:



Hello again. Before I go on I appreciate the help. The following is my original post:
Almost done with this but I'm stumped on the last remaining formula. The
way this compensation plan will work is if reps are between 0-25% growth they
will get paid $100 per point, 26-50% $150 per point, 51-75% $200 per point.
Growth is calculated monthly vs. a monthly #. My problem is that if the rep
is at 40% they get the first 25% at $100 and the next 15% at $150. My
formula is an either or thing. The following are my formulas for 0-25%,
26-50%,51-75% respectively:


Not sure if that makes things any clearer. The second formula you sent
generates an answer but it's not quit right. Not paying people enough. I'll
play around with it a bit more and see what I can come up with. Thanks again.


Hi Bob,

It looks like I overlooked a couple of elements from your original formulae.


BobVA said:
original post:
Almost done with this but I'm stumped on the last remaining formula. The
way this compensation plan will work is if reps are between 0-25% growth they
will get paid $100 per point, 26-50% $150 per point, 51-75% $200 per point.
Growth is calculated monthly vs. a monthly #. My problem is that if the rep
is at 40% they get the first 25% at $100 and the next 15% at $150. My
formula is an either or thing. The following are my formulas for 0-25%,
26-50%,51-75% respectively:


Not sure if that makes things any clearer. The second formula you sent
generates an answer but it's not quit right. Not paying people enough. I'll
play around with it a bit more and see what I can come up with. Thanks


macropod said:
Hi Bob,

It looks like I overlooked a couple of elements from your original formulae.



Hello. I think you are back where I started. I think the formula you just gave me pays everyone at one level instead of splitting it up among the different payouts. Example; based on a 5 week month someone at 52% over plan would get $240 for the 0-25 range and $360 for the 26-50 range. and $38 for the 51-75 range. This formula generated $1,086. I'm assuming like my original formula it is paying everyone at the highest teer only.


Hi Bob,

Well, without knowing exactly how all your cell references relate to the
intended outcome, it's hard to say where things are going wrong. For
example, I have no idea what the '-1' in your '(D9/C9-1)' formulae that I've
replicated is meant to achieve - all I can tell that it deducts 1 from the
D9/C9 calculation.

A table with some sample data and expected results might help. Until your
last post to Ron, we didn't even have data descriptions.


just gave me pays everyone at one level instead of splitting it up among the
different payouts. Example; based on a 5 week month someone at 52% over
plan would get $240 for the 0-25 range and $360 for the 26-50 range. and
$38 for the 51-75 range. This formula generated $1,086. I'm assuming like
my original formula it is paying everyone at the highest teer only.


macropod said:
Hi Bob,

Well, without knowing exactly how all your cell references relate to the
intended outcome, it's hard to say where things are going wrong. For
example, I have no idea what the '-1' in your '(D9/C9-1)' formulae that I've
replicated is meant to achieve - all I can tell that it deducts 1 from the
D9/C9 calculation.

A table with some sample data and expected results might help. Until your
last post to Ron, we didn't even have data descriptions.


just gave me pays everyone at one level instead of splitting it up among the
different payouts. Example; based on a 5 week month someone at 52% over
plan would get $240 for the 0-25 range and $360 for the 26-50 range. and
$38 for the 51-75 range. This formula generated $1,086. I'm assuming like
my original formula it is paying everyone at the highest teer only.

Hello again. You guys are troopers! The -1 in the original formula was to pay folks on .25, .5, or .75. I.E. using the numbers that follow the answer is 1.52 so I subtracted 1 to get to .52 and then run the calculation. Not sure how much data you want but the "real" numbers I am using is 5 for B9, 53,731 for C9, and 81,808 for D9. The "correct" answer using a calculator would be $638, $240 for the 0-25 range and $360 for the 26-50 range, and $38 for the 51-75 range.

Ron Coderre


Using your latest sample data of:
B9: 5
C9: 53,731
D9: 81,808

And...this lookup table in A1:B5
A1: -1000% B1: 0
A2: 0% B2: 100
A3: 25% B3: 50
A4: 50% B4: 50

This formula resolves to $639:

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP


Hi Bob,

The correct formula depends how the rep is paid. For example, a rep could be
$100/point on all points over quota
$150/point on all points over quota if the points exceed the quota by
more than 25
$150/point on all points over quota if the points exceed the quota by
more than 50
to a maximum of 75 points
, or
$100/point for the 1st 25% over quota, plus
$150/point for the 2nd 25% over quota, plus
$200/point for the 3rd 25% over quota

Using your data, the Sales/Quota figure is 1.522548...

Leaving aside the weeks part of the calculation, if the rep is paid on the
basis of A, the result would be:
$100*52.248 = $5,225.48 +
$50*52.248 = $2,612.74 +
$50*52.248 = $2,612.74 +
= $10,450.95
Alternatively, if the rep is paid on the basis of B, the result would be:
$100*25.00 = $2,500.00 +
$150*25.00 = $3,750.00 +
$200*2.2548 = $450.96
= $6,700.96

Introducing the weeks part of the calculation for 5 weeks gives $1,004.90
and $644.32 for A and B, respectively. Your description fits A, but your
calculation comes close to fitting B.

For A, the formula is:

For B, the formula is:

Add whatever rounding you need.


to pay folks on .25, .5, or .75. I.E. using the numbers that follow the
answer is 1.52 so I subtracted 1 to get to .52 and then run the calculation.
Not sure how much data you want but the "real" numbers I am using is 5 for
B9, 53,731 for C9, and 81,808 for D9. The "correct" answer using a
calculator would be $638, $240 for the 0-25 range and $360 for the 26-50
range, and $38 for the 51-75 range.

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