If And with multiple criteria



A company has employees who receive severance based on time with the company
and the payments are made monthly. If they have been employed for 1 year or
more, they get 5 weeks. I know how to write the part of the formula that says
if an employee is let go AND they have been with the company more than 1
year, to calculate one month's severance. I need to show the payments over
each month until the # months they receive pmt is to end. What I can't figure
out is what to add to the formula to make it stop when their pmts run out.
Fields = Severance, Time with company, severance amount, date let go.


Not clear from your note how many months the severance is paid out
accross. Is it over 12 months? Each month = severance/12?
You will almost certainly need to use Date functions such as TODAY(),
MONTH(), DAY(), etc.
Perhaps an example anon customer will help to understand your quandry.


Dave O

If I may suggest: propose to the owner of the project or spreadsheet
that you be allowed to make the spreadsheet more intuitive. There are
several good reasons for doing this: if you are responsible for
ensuring payments are made, for instnace, then you need a good tool.
Also, since payroll is a *very* important topic to people, and since
your company is likely contractually obligated to pay those people,
it is a legal exposure, not to mention an embarassment to the company,
if this goes wrong.

So the suggestion is, add enough fields to be able to do the job
properly. If you'll post the severance pay policy this forum can help-
if you'll include the frequency of pay (every two weeks, every week,
every month, etc.) we can create a spreadsheet that will forecast
payments based on severance date and severance policy. Post some
sample data too- but remember for privacy and security to use fake
names and numbers.


Joe Smith is severed 1/1/08 with 4 years of service with the company. He is
entitled to 4 weeks severance for every year of service. Payments are made 2x
month, and in the above case, would be made over 4 months. His last severance
payment would be April 30. The tool will only be used by myself and
management to track expenses related to severance, not to ensure payments are

Sandy Mann

Column A: Name, Column B: Start Date, Column C Termination Date.

Last Payment date:


Is this waht you want?


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
Replace @mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk


Here's what I have now with your help:
That gives me a date to stop recording severance. I entered a formula next to
it: =IF(C11<"1/1/8",K5,0) that will then calc across each mo of the yr and
stop when it reaches the correct stop month. But if he quit the company
(attrition), the result comes back 1/1/1900 and the severance amount remains
when it shouldn't.

Sandy Mann

If I understand you correctly then use "" in plaxe of 0 as in:



In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
Replace @mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk


Can I send you a file? Is that allowed?

Sandy Mann said:
If I understand you correctly then use "" in plaxe of 0 as in:



In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
Replace @mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk

Sandy Mann

If it is not too big then yes you can send a file to my e-mail address by
altering it as it says in my signature - maininator.com is just a spam trap.

It is quite late here in the UK so I may not be able to look at it until


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
Replace @mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk

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