I need to populate a master spreadsheet from a source file of raw data.
what i am doing is pulling numbers from a database and exporting them into
an excel spreadsheet which is my raw data/source file. the database is
broken down by the folders in which the candidates sit...inbox; scheduled for
interview;selected...etc. Source info is set up as in the table below:
Inbox Intv Sel Hird
city st jc
atl ga 123 55 30 17 10
from that i am populating a summary sheet for my clients which are assigned
multiple locations (cities) and titles (job codes).
So i have a client that is assigned atlanta, ga for customer assistants
which is job code 123...and i need to retrieve the number of candidates in
each folder/category in a snapshot/summary and i want to do this for each
location/client/job code
i need a formula to go out into the raw data to find the city...then look
for a specified job code then populate the cell below each category (inbox,
intv, sel, hired) with the corresponding number of candidates in each of
these categories. so that i can summarize each of my clients locations.
i have tried ifs & ands & also looked at indirect & offset but am having no
luck...can anyone help me? thanks!
what i am doing is pulling numbers from a database and exporting them into
an excel spreadsheet which is my raw data/source file. the database is
broken down by the folders in which the candidates sit...inbox; scheduled for
interview;selected...etc. Source info is set up as in the table below:
Inbox Intv Sel Hird
city st jc
atl ga 123 55 30 17 10
from that i am populating a summary sheet for my clients which are assigned
multiple locations (cities) and titles (job codes).
So i have a client that is assigned atlanta, ga for customer assistants
which is job code 123...and i need to retrieve the number of candidates in
each folder/category in a snapshot/summary and i want to do this for each
location/client/job code
i need a formula to go out into the raw data to find the city...then look
for a specified job code then populate the cell below each category (inbox,
intv, sel, hired) with the corresponding number of candidates in each of
these categories. so that i can summarize each of my clients locations.
i have tried ifs & ands & also looked at indirect & offset but am having no
luck...can anyone help me? thanks!