If Cell equals text Copy Cells, B2,B3,B4



How can I detect a cell value in VBA if the cell is text? I want to set
an if statement based on the whether or not cell B7 equals USA.

So if cell B7 = "USA" then copy paste B4, B5, B6 to 1A, 2B, 4B,

If B7<> "USA" then copy paste B4, B5, B6, B7 to 1A, 2B, 3B, 4B.

I'm new to programming but have made macros using macro record as well
as modifying some of the macros from examples on the internet. I can’t
seem to find the appropriate functions in VBA help or figure ot enough
from the examples on the site to accomplish what I want. Just a point
in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

:: Description of what I'm trying to do ::
I have numerous invoices imported from .csv files in excel documents. I
would like to take the billing name shipping name etc and put them all
on one row. Unfortunately since the invoice is saved from a webpage the
Address 2 Field is dynamic I need to detect what kind of invoice it is
to copy the fields. All of our invoices have USA after the city, ST,
Zip cell. So by determining which cell USA is in I can copy paste the
appropriate cells into my row.

Thanks for any help or guidance.



what's the different between B4 and 4B? Does it copy to the same row in
the same worksheet?


if range("B7").value = "USA" then
'what ever you want it to do here.
'what you want it to do if it doesn't equal "USA"
end if

Of course, if you want to do this to several cells in a range, you will
have to loop the code using a loop of some sorts.

For example:

x = 7
Do until range("B" & x).value = ""

if range("B7").value = "USA" then
'what ever you want it to do here.
'what you want it to do if it doesn't equal "USA"
end if



Thanks for the response. I'm a little tired and mixed my example all
up. I've corrected the proper cell mapping in my original post.


Information Hog

This should get you started

Dim MyCheck As String
MyCheck = "USA"
MyRange = Cells(7, 2)

If MyCheck = MyRange Then
' code for copy here
End If


Thanks guys thats huge I can probably get this done today. Your examples
give me a better understanding of declaring ranges and strings also.


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