"IF Condition" formula.... any help plzzz?!



its my second week trying to understand why this formula does not give
me proper result... and i think im gonna spend my whole life trying
unless i get a help from you guys..

the concept of the formula is that the pay is determined by increase in
sales achievement, where there are 4 levels of sales, the more a
salesman achieve, the more is the pay.

the file containing the formula is attached.... i really hope i dont
spend my whole life on this :(

|Filename: Formula.zip |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4910 |

tim m

I got an 'invlaid attachement specified' message. Can you just copy the
formula into a message instead?


The problem is that you are checking backwards..

at 34% .. of course it is larger than 15% so it get stuck there and
never get beyond that point, try this:




A BIG THANKS FOR YOU BEARACADE... i cant believe its working!!! i a
celebrating now i swear.. i tempt to believe them when they sa
"sometimes, you should look at things from different angle".. thank yo
for your help :)

tim m, though the issue is solved, but i thank you for offering t
help.. here you go with the formula:


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