If..else..then statement


Jeff Metcalf

I'm trying to write this compare statement, but I keep getting errors about
to many arguements:

In Cell C20
IF C10=0, then C15
ElseIF C15=0, then C10
ElseIF C15=0 and C10=0
Else 0

Thanks in advance

Mike H


table for all the possible commbinations of C10 & c15 looks like this

c10 c15 answer
1 0 0.5
0 1 0.5
0 0 0
1 1 1

From your description I belive the answer in each case is as indicated above


should work


Mike H


I should have added that if this is wrong please put the answers you expect
in each case.


Jeff Metcalf

Sorry, this is what I what....

c10 c15 answer
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0
1 1 1
5 2 3.5


Mike H

I'm confused about averaging 2 zero cells and why you started a new thread
but try this



Jeff Metcalf

I didn't start 2 threads...I don't know how that happened.

I'm not trying to average 2 zero cells really...I just want it to show 0 if
the corresponding cells are both 0.

The sheet calculates profit margin from 2 different areas of work. So if
they salesperson only has things in the 'write in' area, then I only want to
show that margin percentage. If he only has items in the DB connected area,
then I only want it to show that margin. But if he has items in both areas,
then I need the profit margin calculated from both.

Maybe I'm going about this wrong?

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