IF ELSEIF in mailmerge - how do I



I am merging data into a document layout which needs a
headline each time the intake year changes. In XData for
the Mac I can say something like IF classof is not
previous classof classof (in other words if the data in
the field class off in this record is not the same as that
in the previous record insert the value found in this
record, otherwise ignore. Is there a way I can do this in
Word Mailmerge?

Peter Jamieson

You need to use fields along the following lines:

{ IF { MERGEREC } = 1 "{ SET previousyear "" }"
}{ IF { MERGEFIELD intakeyear } = { previousyear } ""
"Your headline text including any fields"
}{ SET previousyear { MERGEFIELD intakeyear } }

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