I am trying to figure out a formula to search selected cells(6 different
ones) and search if the word "Pass" is in any of the cells. If it is then I
want the cell with the formula to indicate "Pass" if true. If False then
At his stage I have the following for one cell, and it works
=IF('F88 LF2'!G4="Pass","Pass", "Fail")
But this is what I had for more than one cell with no luck
=IF('F88 LF2'!G3,'F88 LF2'!J3,'F88 LF2'!M3,'F88 LF2'!P3,'F88
LF2'!S3="Pass","Pass", "Fail")
Can anyone give me guidance so I can figure this out?
ones) and search if the word "Pass" is in any of the cells. If it is then I
want the cell with the formula to indicate "Pass" if true. If False then
At his stage I have the following for one cell, and it works
=IF('F88 LF2'!G4="Pass","Pass", "Fail")
But this is what I had for more than one cell with no luck
=IF('F88 LF2'!G3,'F88 LF2'!J3,'F88 LF2'!M3,'F88 LF2'!P3,'F88
LF2'!S3="Pass","Pass", "Fail")
Can anyone give me guidance so I can figure this out?