IF Formula Porblems



Here's my senario: I need a cell to populate a certain value if the target
cell holds a certain value. BUT with multiple options for the target cell.

For example, if B12=Yes, then I want B12 to say $100. HOWEVER, I also need
if B12=NO, then I want B13 to say $200.

I can get as far as in getting the formula in to B13:

IF(B12="Yes","$100"); however I cannot figure out how to tack on the
IF(B12="NO","$200") without getting a VALUE# error...

Fred Smith

There are two portions to an If statement: what you want it to display if
the condition is true, and if it is false. Most people would code your If
statement as follows:

Now, format your cell the way you want (ie, zero decimal places, and the
dollar sign).

When you use "$100", you are creating text, which displays nicely, but you
can't do arithmetic on it. For future usefulness, you're better off using
numbers, and formatting them.


pogiman via OfficeKB.com

Are you referring B12 as the output cell (with formula)? Where will the input
cell be?

I think you cannot use one cell as your input and output cell.

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