IF formula to get a percentage increase



I need a formula (IF maybe) that will result in an increase amount. I have
several types of service care (I,II,III) as drop down option on column G.
Those same types of service have been assigned a percentage (1%,2%,3%) on
column AF
For example, If someone selects service care "I" the formula should locate
the respective percentage for that level (1%) and then use this percentage to
calculate a dollar amount increase with respect to a dollar amount on column

Column G Column AA Column AF Result
Drop Down 100 1% $1.0
Drop Down 200 2% $4.0
Drop Down 300 3% $9.0


I figured it out so I thought I share

Niek Otten

Hi Carolina,

Good that you got it working.
Be aware that there is a limit to the nesting of functions; 7 levels is the maximum.

Have a look at the VLOOKUP() function.
There's a tutorial here:


Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

|I figured it out so I thought I share:
| "Carolina" wrote:
| > I need a formula (IF maybe) that will result in an increase amount. I have
| > several types of service care (I,II,III) as drop down option on column G.
| > Those same types of service have been assigned a percentage (1%,2%,3%) on
| > column AF
| > For example, If someone selects service care "I" the formula should locate
| > the respective percentage for that level (1%) and then use this percentage to
| > calculate a dollar amount increase with respect to a dollar amount on column
| > AA
| >
| > Column G Column AA Column AF Result
| > Drop Down 100 1% $1.0
| > Drop Down 200 2% $4.0
| > Drop Down 300 3% $9.0
| >

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