New User Judy
I have a Column of pricing from a csv. file that has TBA in some rows (price
to be announced). I would like to change TBA to a 0.
I have started with =IF(E1="TBA", ???
I also have a coded price column for cost price and would like to get rid of
the letter code and also change remaining price to a 2 decimal cost.
I've been reading and trying all kinds of things. I really need an IF
function for the first column and am not sure what I need for the second.
Any help really appreciated
to be announced). I would like to change TBA to a 0.
I have started with =IF(E1="TBA", ???
I also have a coded price column for cost price and would like to get rid of
the letter code and also change remaining price to a 2 decimal cost.
I've been reading and trying all kinds of things. I really need an IF
function for the first column and am not sure what I need for the second.
Any help really appreciated