IF Function Help



I have a project that requires me to calculate bonuses for employees. I am
pretty sure that I need to use an IF function. Here is the question:

If the project fees do not exceed estimates the manager receives an 100
bonus. Algebraically, this is Bonus=(actual-projected)*bonus rate if
(actual-projected)>0, 100 otherwise. Create a formula that calculates the
project manager bonus.

This is a completely different language that I just can't seem to decipher.
If anyone can help, that would be great!

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Or even...

=MAX(100,(Actual - Projected) * BonusRate)

which is a more fair formula (for the manager) than the one you posted (if
the difference times the bonus rate is less than 100, your formula gives the
manager the smaller amount).


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