"IF" Function . . . PLEASE HELP!!



Creating a field ticket on excel . . .in one area of the worksheet the user
will choose between 5 diferent choices (length of tubing)in a drop down bar.
Each choice (length of tubing) has a different price (5 corresponding
prices)associated with it. I am trying to use the IF function to allow the
user to chose the length of tubing from a drop down bar and have EXCEL
automatically enter a price in the subtotal column of the ticket. Each
length of tubing has a corresponding price associated with it. I have tried
this as a formula . . . but surprise . . . it's not working. (=IF(E40=73.0 mm
Tubing,27,IF(E40=114 mm Tubing,30,)). I have tried to enter this formula in
the subtotal column, which is U40. Please bare with me, as I am just flying
by the seat of my pants, I don't know this program very well. Any help would
be greatly appreciated.



Hard to say, sounds like more a VLOOKUP or INDEX job. If you want to, mail
me the file on
(e-mail address removed)
Remove NOSPAM of course,

JE McGimpsey

Shar, or MarthaSue:

I would recommend putting your choices and pricing in a table, perhaps
in another sheet. For instance, in Sheet2:

1 Length Price
2 73.0 mm Tubing 30
3 114 mm Tubing 27
4 (etc)

Then back in sheet1, if the dropdown puts the value in E40, use

=VLOOKUP(E40,Sheet2!A:B,2, FALSE)

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