=IF function, reference problem to "text strings" in Data Validati


Jim D.


Does anybody know a way to reference a "text string" within a Data
Validation List from an =IF function?

I'm trying to write an =IF formula that references a cell which is set up
with a data validation list (of only 2 choices, ie... drawers, pullouts). So
depending on which one was selected, I want to calculate one of two simple
equations as the result.

The problem is that I can't get the =IF function to output anything but a
false result when referencing the cell with the pull down list.

Ironically, However, My formula works just fine if I reference a cell in
which I type in the text myself. But as soon as I change the cell reference
back to the pull down list, my formula locks up on the false output.

Also, just as a matter of curosity to anybody reading this. I don't get
these problems when I reference a pull down list which are comprised of only
numbers from an =IF function. It seems to only have a bias with text.

I'd love to hear from anybody who has an idea about whats going on.

Thanks for Reading, and/or Replying in Advance.

Take Care,


Jim D.

That was Brilliant Jacob !!

Thanks for the response - it works like a charm.

My next topic of study will be the nested TRIM so I can learn why that

Thanks again,


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