IF function turning text to number




I'm trying to do something in an Excel worksheet and I'm not entirely
sure if it's possible and if it is, am pulling my hair out as to how to
do it!

I'm basically working on a credit card cover sheet and want to show the
NET and VAT of the total amount input on a row (so I'll be doing a SUM
across five columns) whenever someone puts 'Yes' in a 'VAT receipt?'
column. When they leave blank or put 'No' I don't want the formula to

I've spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure this out and
was wondering if someone would be able to help?

I've had a go of the IF function but don't seem to have much luck when
I want the answer of the formula displayed?


Bob Phillips

H2: =ROUND(IF(G2="Yes",SUM(B2:F2)/117.5*100,""),2)

I2: =IF(G2="Yes",SUM(B2:G2)-H2,"")




Thank you very much but this doesn't seem to be helping either as i
just comes up with #VALUE?
H2: =ROUND(IF(G2="Yes",SUM(B2:F2)/117.5*100,""),2)

I2: =IF(G2="Yes",SUM(B2:G2)-H2,"")



Sorry, just seen the edited response - will give it a go now!
H2 should have been


Hmm, it's saying there's too few arguments? (Sorry for this!)

H2 should have been


------------------------------- POSTED BEFORE RECEIVING A REPLY AFTER 2
MINUTES OF ORIGINAL POST -------------------------------
Have just got it working - thank you SO much!

Bob Phillips

Have you adjusted it for your actual range?

jaquispin said:
Thank you very much but this doesn't seem to be helping either as it
just comes up with #VALUE?
H2: =ROUND(IF(G2="Yes",SUM(B2:F2)/117.5*100,""),2)

I2: =IF(G2="Yes",SUM(B2:G2)-H2,"")



Sorry, just seen the edited response - will give it a go now!
H2 should have been


Hmm, it's saying there's too few arguments? (Sorry for this!)

H2 should have been


------------------------------- POSTED BEFORE RECEIVING A REPLY AFTER 2
MINUTES OF ORIGINAL POST -------------------------------
Have just got it working - thank you SO much!
H2 should have been


jaquispin's Profile: 1454
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