IF function



What would the formula be for this arguement?

If their is a number in column B (doesn't matter if it's a
positive or a negative) and "N/A" is listed in column E, I
want it to return this message "Refer To Master" but if
either one of those arguments is not correct I want the
formula to return nothing (blank).

Thank you


Norman Harker

Hi Louis!

=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(B1),ISNA(E1)),"Refer to Master","")

But if E1's N/A is text rather than the Excel error message:

=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(B1),E1="N/A"),"Refer to Master","")

The AND returns TRUE or FALSE which is a require of the IF function
condition. You can pre-test AND function using (in your example (first


Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
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Puerto Rico (Constitution Day), Spain (Galicia National Day, Santiago
Day, St. James Day), Tibet (Yalong Cultural Festival), Tunisia
(Republic Day). Observances: Voudon (Papa Ogou St Jacques le Majeur).
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