M. Swartztrauber
on 20 different occasions of selling to the same company, how could I
best gather and access, as a report, various categories of data from
those encounters?
In other words, if my salesperson sells 20 red widgets on 09/20/04 and
24 blue widgets on 09/24/04 to IBM, how can I make a constantly
updating report that tells me by date what number and color of widgets
were sold to IBM?
Thanks much for any help or pointers. This seems to be the promise of
Infopath and XML but the "how-to" is frustratingly unapparent.
best gather and access, as a report, various categories of data from
those encounters?
In other words, if my salesperson sells 20 red widgets on 09/20/04 and
24 blue widgets on 09/24/04 to IBM, how can I make a constantly
updating report that tells me by date what number and color of widgets
were sold to IBM?
Thanks much for any help or pointers. This seems to be the promise of
Infopath and XML but the "how-to" is frustratingly unapparent.