If, if, if with < & >



I need the results as either a 1, 2 or 3.
if the number is <200, I want a 1
If it's between 200 - 299, I want a 2, and if it's >300, I want a 3.
This formula partially works, but I think I have the <> worng.

=IF(N6<200,"1",IF(N6>199<300,"2", ("3")))

Much appreciated,


Sean Timmons


This works because if the value is less than 200, the If stops looking after
the first criterion. No need to give a minimum value after that.

Peo Sjoblom


you might want something if N6 is blank, perhaps


also if you want to extend this a bit more than skip the IF/AND function and
go for a VLOOKUP

3 criteria the IF function can handle well but if it gets to be more that
it's getting ugly plus once you get to 7
nested IFs it won't work and you have to find other ways around it



Peo Sjoblom

Need Help on axis problem in a chart

Here is the solution, Try this


Rick Rothstein

This will do what you asked...


although if A1 can be empty, then this...


or if A1 can be empty or contain non-numerical values, then this...



Thanks all. They worked great. And I could keep it simple, as 3 will be the
max that I need, and they'll never be blank.

Thanks again,


Peo Sjoblom

Why are you addressing me, I didn't ask the question?



Peo Sjoblom

"Need Help on axis problem in a chart"

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