If its a date, then...


tony h

Unfortunately this is not straightforward.

isdate(range) will return a true or false depending on whether the cell
contents look like a date.

But remember a date in excel is only a format applied to a number. so
from the data it is not possible to distinguish between a date and a
number. There is a further confusion possible in that you can have text
that looks like a date but is not a number.

hope this helps

VBA Noob

This formula checks to see if cell fomatted as d-mmm-yy or dd-mmm-yy

See cell help for more examples.

it will still show "Y" if it looks like a date e.g '17/06/07 will still
return "Y"


VBA Noob


As Tony explained, it depends on what you consider a date.
If you are happy to allow VBA to decide:
Public Function IsValueDate(argRange As Range) As Boolean
Dim tempDate As Date
On Error Resume Next
tempDate = argRange.Value
IsValueDate = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function

But you will see that this will produce some expected result.


Dave Peterson

But there are other date formats.



And I think I'd check for a number, too. I can type text in a cell that's
formatted as a date.


And to the OP, be aware that if you change the format of A4 (to General, say),
then the formula won't evaluate until the next recalculation.

Dave Peterson

Excel's help is not always bad <vbg>:

If the Microsoft Excel format is CELL returns
m/d/yy or m/d/yy h:mm or mm/dd/yy "D4"
d-mmm-yy or dd-mmm-yy "D1"
d-mmm or dd-mmm "D2"
mmm-yy "D3"
mm/dd "D5"
h:mm AM/PM "D7"
h:mm:ss AM/PM "D6"
h:mm "D9"
h:mm:ss "D8"

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