If main heading is selected, sub headings auto-selected



I have a spreadsheet that lists a bunch of topics, and subtopics. I
want to set up a formula or something so when one of the main topics is
selected, all the subtopics are automatically selected.
I'm thinking this will probably require a macro, or maybe hidden
columns or something, so the formula will not be lost if a sub topic's
box is 'selected'.
I need to have a few different people choose which topics they want
searched. Most of these main topics have subtopics. So, to make it
easier for them, I want to set up something so when they put an 'X' in
the main topic's corresponding cell, all the cells corresponding to the
sub-topics below are automatically filled in.
1 Group A All Topics All SubTopics
2 Topic 1 All SubTopics
3 Topic 2 All SubTopics
4 Topic 3 All SubTopics
5 SubTopic Z
6 SubTopic Y
7 Topic 4 All SubTopics
8 Group B All Topics All SubTopics

I want it so, if D1 receives an 'X', D2 through D7 receives X's also.
But it still needs to be able to have, say, D2 get an X, and D4 get an
X (and then D5 and D6 get auto X's).

Is this possible?


Otto Moehrbach

What you provide in your post is very difficult to follow. This may be
because of text wrapping.
The above notwithstanding, I would say that what you want to do is
fairly simple. Maybe. If you wish, send me, direct, your file or a sample
of it. I don't know the layout of your data, so be sure to include a clear
explanation of how one can tell what topics are sub-topics and of what
topics they are sub-topics. Pretend that you have to explain this to
someone who just walked in off the street and has no knowledge whatsoever of
what you are talking about.
Also, where do the Xs go and how do they get there?
My email address is (e-mail address removed). Remove the "nop" from this
address. HTH Otto


Otto -

Yes - the text wrapping distorted the information. Sorry about
Your email address is not visible, however. Try adding in some spaces,
and writing out 'at' and 'dot', etc. so it doesn't get picked up as an
email address and blocked. And I will send you an example of what I'm
talking about.


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