I'm stuck....
I've got a set of data that contains a range of numbers....I'm trying to
come up with a formula that will look at the number, and depending on the
criteria based below in my data, return the correct value...the problem is I
can't figure out how to write my IF OR function formulas to accomplish this...
I need a formula that will look at the value in B2, and return the correct
value based upon this data below.....
Planner ID's Com. Code
90004 10500 through 10543 and 20000 through 25943
90005 30000 through 39999
90006 40000 through 49999
90007 50000 through 50049 and 50900 through 50999
90008 60000 through 69999
90009 75000
90010 9510 or 9511 or 9512
90011 50050 and 50500 through 50543
so for this, I need the formula to look in B2, and based upon the set of #'s
in the Com. Code column, return the corresponding value in the Planner ID
this is tricky for me because I can't figure out the right combo of IF, OR,
or AND functions to get this right...any help will be greatly appreciated!!!
I've got a set of data that contains a range of numbers....I'm trying to
come up with a formula that will look at the number, and depending on the
criteria based below in my data, return the correct value...the problem is I
can't figure out how to write my IF OR function formulas to accomplish this...
I need a formula that will look at the value in B2, and return the correct
value based upon this data below.....
Planner ID's Com. Code
90004 10500 through 10543 and 20000 through 25943
90005 30000 through 39999
90006 40000 through 49999
90007 50000 through 50049 and 50900 through 50999
90008 60000 through 69999
90009 75000
90010 9510 or 9511 or 9512
90011 50050 and 50500 through 50543
so for this, I need the formula to look in B2, and based upon the set of #'s
in the Com. Code column, return the corresponding value in the Planner ID
this is tricky for me because I can't figure out the right combo of IF, OR,
or AND functions to get this right...any help will be greatly appreciated!!!