IF Or Statement, Help!



Is this how you set up an IF OR statement for Excel?

=IF(B2="123U" or "12B3",$J$2,IF(B2="123N",$J$4,IF(B2="123T" or "345T" or
"678T",$J$5,IF(B2="123W" or "456W" or "789W" or
"012W",$J$8,IF(B2="123A",$J$12,IF(B2="111A" or "222A" or "333A",$J$13,""))))))

I have a bunch of prefixes in column B that I want the function to search
for and if found then return a set text from column J. My statement does not
work when I fill column D with it.

Duke Carey

Put all of these prefixes in a vertical list, i.e., in a column. To the
right of each prefix put the value that corresponds to that prefix. Let's
say that range is m1:n10

No use a formula along the lines of

=if(isna(vlookup(b2,$m$1:$n$10,2,0)),"", vlookup(b2,$m$1:$n$10,2,0))

Sandy Mann



or slightly shorter:



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