If Outlook has categories ... why wouldn't OneNote ?



I am supposed to put all the notes of my life in One Note. That is
one tall order. If you sort things in a hierarchy - they are kind of
stuck there. Very inconvenient and static.

I want to be able to Categorize Notes.
Just like I can in Outlook.

If there are no categories in Version 2, I think MS will have missed
the boat here.



Well... This takes us on a new level of discussion. Like Evernote vs OneNote.
I have extensively compared both programs and found the following differences.
A) One note uses the metaphor of a three ring binder where you can put your
notes and almost everything.
B) Evernote uses the metaphor of an endless tape equipped with categories.
I have found OneNote does considerably more that Evernote. In other words,
it has more "bells and whistles than the other guy. Its a bigger program
connected with the Office system. Evernote has very small footprint and does
not even (at this time) have a spell checker. Granted, categorization has its
merit. But then you have Outlook to do that. I still use the Outlook journal
with good resulkts, particularly if I want to put notes to myself. You know,
the 2 or 3 liners such as for instance: My old klunker just cost me another
$300 and I should get myself a new BMW" You know, that kind of stuff.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

I am supposed to put all the notes of my life in One Note. That is
one tall order. If you sort things in a hierarchy - they are kind of
stuck there. Very inconvenient and static.

I want to be able to Categorize Notes.
Just like I can in Outlook.

If there are no categories in Version 2, I think MS will have missed
the boat here.


Why can't you categorize notes? Just add to the header of your note page:
"CAT:Business Notes" or "CAT:Jones Project". When you want a list of all
of the notes in a category use the Search tool to find your CAT:x notes.

I realize that's a workaround but it should get the job done pretty well
for now.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Rod Leahy

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote said:
Why can't you categorize notes? Just add to the header of your note page:
"CAT:Business Notes" or "CAT:Jones Project". When you want a list of all
of the notes in a category use the Search tool to find your CAT:x notes.

I realize that's a workaround but it should get the job done pretty well
for now.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

I've just started with One Note after having used EverNote for a few months.
At first I was troubled by the lack of categories but got over that using a
keyword approach as above. I've also just begun experimenting using Flags as
categories and find that works quite well too.


These posts are not answering the original question.

Outlook has flags and categories.

Without question, OneNote which is supposed to handle every note I
make for the rest of my life, should have more need for "categories"
than Outlook. Yet, there are none.

The bottom line is OneNote can't really handle all the notes you take.
They didn't include any VBA to automates things, No Plugins are
available. It is a product in limbo.

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