If statement combining average




I am creating an efficiency report and I am stuck on a problem. I am
getting a false statement when all the cells have no information in it when I
actually need that cell to remain blank when there is nothing to report.

Here is the formula I am using: =IF(COUNT(A39:C39),AVERAGE(A39:C39))


Black9Medic said:
I am getting a false statement when all the cells have no information
in it when I actually need that cell to remain blank when there is nothing
to report.

Here is the formula I am using: =IF(COUNT(A39:C39),AVERAGE(A39:C39))

Look at the Help page for the IF function. It has a 3rd parameter, which
defaults to FALSE. The IF function returns the value of the 3rd parameter
when COUNT() returns zero, exactly the condition you describe. Your formula
should be:

=IF(COUNT(A39:C39), AVERAGE(A39:C39), "")

----- original message -----

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