I have a document that contains merge codes that fill in with state tax
information.: <<TAX_PERCENT_2>> <<TAX_DESC_2>> {IF {MERGEFIELD RISK_STATE} =
"KY" "plus collection fees" ""} <<TAX_AMOUNT_2>>. Now there will be some
instances where there may not be a KY tax percent, description or amount.
When I merge these files, I still get the "plus collection fees" verbiage.
How can I have that not merge when there is no other KY information? Using
Word 2003. Thanks, PMS
information.: <<TAX_PERCENT_2>> <<TAX_DESC_2>> {IF {MERGEFIELD RISK_STATE} =
"KY" "plus collection fees" ""} <<TAX_AMOUNT_2>>. Now there will be some
instances where there may not be a KY tax percent, description or amount.
When I merge these files, I still get the "plus collection fees" verbiage.
How can I have that not merge when there is no other KY information? Using
Word 2003. Thanks, PMS