I have a simple if statement:
=IF(B42=B44,"Balanced","Not Balanced")
B42 and B44 are exactly the same dollar amount but it says "not balanced".
Both b42 and b44 are formatted as dollar amounts. The cell in question with
this statement is formatted as 'general'. I tried using other cells etc. I
used a 'watch' window and it stated the values of B42 and B44 as the same.
=IF(B42=B44,"Balanced","Not Balanced")
B42 and B44 are exactly the same dollar amount but it says "not balanced".
Both b42 and b44 are formatted as dollar amounts. The cell in question with
this statement is formatted as 'general'. I tried using other cells etc. I
used a 'watch' window and it stated the values of B42 and B44 as the same.