IF Statement for Golf Scores



Hi Everyone

For all you golfers out there.....I am trying to create a spreadsheet and
need some help converting a score into stableford points.

My Handicap is 8 so i get a shot on the 8 hardest holes
Hole 1 = Par 5 and is the 8th Hardest hole
If i score 3 on hole 1 - 1 shot = 2 therfore = 5 Points
If i score 4 on hole 1 - 1 shot = 3 therfore = 4 Points
If i score 5 on hole 1 - 1 shot = 4 therfore = 3 Points
If i score 6 on hole 1 - 1 shot = 5 therfore = 2 Points
If i score 7 on hole 1 - 1 shot = 6 therfore = 1 Points
If i score 8+ on hole 1 - 1 shot = 7+ therfore = 0 Points

I Hope this makes sense, you probably need to be a golfer to understand or
maybe not?

Any help will be great


I'm not a golfer, but it appears to me that score + points =8.
Assuming your score is in A1:


This will enter 0 if the no score (or zero) is entered, or if A1 is greater
than 8, otherwise it will enter 8 - A1


Try this:

assuming hole 1 is in A1




Thanks to you all for your quick responses although i am not sure they have
answered my question??

Maybe i could forward my spreadsheet to someone as it may be easier to
understand my question with all the data?

Is anyone happy for me to do this? If so can i have your mail address?



Ignore my last thread, it works great after i have played with it a little

Thanks everyone

Ron Rosenfeld

Hi Everyone

For all you golfers out there.....I am trying to create a spreadsheet and
need some help converting a score into stableford points.

My Handicap is 8 so i get a shot on the 8 hardest holes
Hole 1 = Par 5 and is the 8th Hardest hole
If i score 3 on hole 1 - 1 shot = 2 therfore = 5 Points
If i score 4 on hole 1 - 1 shot = 3 therfore = 4 Points
If i score 5 on hole 1 - 1 shot = 4 therfore = 3 Points
If i score 6 on hole 1 - 1 shot = 5 therfore = 2 Points
If i score 7 on hole 1 - 1 shot = 6 therfore = 1 Points
If i score 8+ on hole 1 - 1 shot = 7+ therfore = 0 Points

I Hope this makes sense, you probably need to be a golfer to understand or
maybe not?

Any help will be great

Here's a User Defined Function that should compute the Stableford Points for
each hole, given the handicap, score, stroke index and par.

To enter this, <alt-F11> opens the VB Editor. Ensure your project is
highlighted in the project explorer window, then Insert/Module and paste the
code below into the window that opens.

To use this, enter the formula:

=StablefordPoints(Handicap, Score, SI, Par)

into some cell. The variables can be entered directly or, more simply, as cell
references or named cells.

Let me know if this does what you want.

Option Explicit

Function StablefordPoints(Handicap, Score, SI, Par)
'Stableford Points Calculation
Dim Count, SP

If Handicap >= 0 Then
If Score > 0 Then
'Work out how many points the golfer receives
SP = 0
If Handicap = 0 Then
SP = Score
ElseIf Handicap <= 18 Then
For Count = 1 To Handicap
If SI = Count Then
SP = Score - 1
Exit For
SP = Score
End If
ElseIf Handicap >= 19 And Handicap <= 36 Then
For Count = 1 To Handicap - 18
If SI = Count Then
SP = Score - 2
Exit For
SP = Score - 1
End If
Else 'Handicap 37 to 45
For Count = 1 To Handicap - 36
If SI = Count Then
SP = Score - 3
Exit For
SP = Score - 2
End If
End If 'Checking Golfers Handicap

'Calculate the Stableford Points
If SP - 1 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 1
ElseIf SP = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 2
ElseIf SP + 1 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 3
ElseIf SP + 2 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 4
ElseIf SP + 3 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 5
ElseIf SP + 4 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 6
ElseIf SP + 5 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 7
ElseIf SP + 6 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 8
End If 'Calculating Stableford Points
End If 'Score <> sEmpty
End If
End Function



Thanks Ron, that wroks great aswell.

Ron Rosenfeld said:
Here's a User Defined Function that should compute the Stableford Points for
each hole, given the handicap, score, stroke index and par.

To enter this, <alt-F11> opens the VB Editor. Ensure your project is
highlighted in the project explorer window, then Insert/Module and paste the
code below into the window that opens.

To use this, enter the formula:

=StablefordPoints(Handicap, Score, SI, Par)

into some cell. The variables can be entered directly or, more simply, as cell
references or named cells.

Let me know if this does what you want.

Option Explicit

Function StablefordPoints(Handicap, Score, SI, Par)
'Stableford Points Calculation
Dim Count, SP

If Handicap >= 0 Then
If Score > 0 Then
'Work out how many points the golfer receives
SP = 0
If Handicap = 0 Then
SP = Score
ElseIf Handicap <= 18 Then
For Count = 1 To Handicap
If SI = Count Then
SP = Score - 1
Exit For
SP = Score
End If
ElseIf Handicap >= 19 And Handicap <= 36 Then
For Count = 1 To Handicap - 18
If SI = Count Then
SP = Score - 2
Exit For
SP = Score - 1
End If
Else 'Handicap 37 to 45
For Count = 1 To Handicap - 36
If SI = Count Then
SP = Score - 3
Exit For
SP = Score - 2
End If
End If 'Checking Golfers Handicap

'Calculate the Stableford Points
If SP - 1 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 1
ElseIf SP = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 2
ElseIf SP + 1 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 3
ElseIf SP + 2 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 4
ElseIf SP + 3 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 5
ElseIf SP + 4 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 6
ElseIf SP + 5 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 7
ElseIf SP + 6 = Par Then
StablefordPoints = 8
End If 'Calculating Stableford Points
End If 'Score <> sEmpty
End If
End Function


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