If statement hwelp



My data:
1 <.002 0.019
2 Sample was non-compliant
3 0.00323 0.156
4 0.002 0.012
5 0.00491 0.030
6 0.119 0.096

=IF(A1="<.002","Less than 0.002 mgl, None Detected",IF(A1>0.002<0.015,"Below
Action Level of 0.015",IF(A1>0.015,"This is above the action limit of

Using cell A2 returns "This is above the action limit of 0.015" and I want
'Sample was non-compliant'

I would like the contents of the cell displayed in the statement result for
all cells/conditions

Using cell A3 returns "FALSE" and I want "Below Action Level of 0.015"



For starters, if you want to require multiple conditions be met (>.002,<0.15)
you need to use AND: if(and(A1>.002,A1<.015),true_result,false_result)
Next, the final if in your formula really isn't needed; it's just the 'else'
part of the second if.
So I think the formula would be =if(a1="<.002","Less then
..002...",if(and(a1>.002,a1<.015),"Below action level..","Above action
BUT, a big remaining issue, I suspect, is the difference between numbers and
text strings that look like numbers. What happens, for instance, if you
select the data in column A and apply the comma style? If the appearance
doesn't change, you've got text and your comparison is using numbers. If
that's the case, enter the number 0 in some random cell and copy if (ctrl+c),
then select your column of data and Edit > Paste Special, select Values and
Add, then click OK. That will force conversion of numeric text to numbers.


The formula worked great.

The text to number conversion had no effect, is there another way?

Also, is there a way to embed the column A data in the formula to be
displayed within the result...'at 0.00323 mg/l this is below the action limit
of 0.015 mg/l'.


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